Broncos second year quarterback Tim Tebow has had an endorsement deal with FRS
® Healthy Energy since his rookie season in the NFL, and has become the face of the healthy energy drink product.

By why did he choose FRS
®? Because FRS
® is the only drink on the market that uses Quercetin as its main ingredient, which makes it more of a wellness drink than an energy drink
—eliminating the possibility of a crash.
—who is very conscious about maintaining a healthy lifestyle
—has used the product since he broke records at the 2010 NFL Combine two years ago.
“I use their products regularly and can honestly say that I believe FRS
® has helped me perform at my best on and off the field,” said Tebow when his partnership with FRS
® was announced.
Knowing of the benefits of FRS
®, we are giving you a chance to sample
twelve (12) pack of FRS bottles (your choice of flavor) and two (2) packages of FRS Chews for FREE on our Facebook page.
To enter to win on Facebook, just 'Like' this photo, 'Like' FRS Healthy Energy and check out their website. We'll announce a winner next Monday (1/9/11).
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